This little town in central Bali isn't just any town. It's where the Balinese culture and traditions meet the luscious nature that's literally all around this town in forms of rice paddies, forests and even volcanoes. And because of its great location, it's an ideal place to start exploring not only the immediate vicinity but more of the entire island.
In Ubud itself it's hard to avoid running into art and history, and for a small town it's surprisingly vivid- especially evenings. By just touring around the main streets you can see its beautiful historic sites, drop by at one of the handcraft boutiques that sell their specialities such as furniture and carvings, or perhaps just mingle with people at the marketplace. And when the night falls, you can catch a traditional Balinese dance show that takes place in front of the lit palace itself- pretty spectacular if you ask me!
The best lesson about the locals actually came from our chauffeur that one day took us around the island. As a someone who grew up in a nearby village, he was like a teacher for us and we were his students who couldn't wait for all his intriguing stories. He told us how Balinese are mainly Hindu, and they're very spiritual even when it comes to their daily life. Every single day they prepare offerings that are placed on entrances of homes and temples and they also have specific (both private and public) ceremonies throughout the day, week, month and year. It was really fascinating to hear and see how much effort they put on preparation and execution of these rituals. Rituals, that for them are an integral part of their lives in terms of connecting with higher power and give thanks for their fortunes. And the people's gratitude and serenity doesn't just take place behind closed doors- you can feel their energy in everything they do. These are people who don't need all the material things in the world to be upbeat and satisfied, but rather focus on the positive elements they already have in their lives.
Do we give enough thanks for everyday stuff...?
On that note, it's no wonder that this corner of the world has become known for not only its spectacular terrain but also for its ability to welcome people from around the world and remind them of the importance of simple things in life that, let's face it, we all too often forget.
Water Palace (Puri Saren Agung)
Balinese Dance Performances

Meanwhile the boys...
Our favourite spot in town - Ibu Rai
{All pictures © Voyages of Discovery}
Eating Out
- Some of the most delicious Indonesian cuisine we had! Great atmosphere, location, service, price/ quality ratio. And although the main street is filled with restaurants, we somehow ended up going here row. Let's face it, it's impossible to sample the entire menu in one night and when a place is proven to be good- you better hang on to it ;).
- We totally recommend to taste the local wine- Hatten Wines (red, white, rosé).
Traditional Dance Shows
- These shows are definitely worth your while! The setting in front of the Water Palace is beautiful, and the show takes about an hour. It's remarkable how controlled they dance...everything is defined from head to toe (check out the eyeballs and finger tips!), and they dance to the beat that is played by the older women on each side. A must-see performance! Oh, and if you want to try it out, you may join them to the stage towards the end of the show...
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